This week - Moral Boundaries
Core Scripture: Mark 12:41-44
Memory Verse: "Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment." 1 Timothy 6:17 (NIV)
Discussion Questions:
- What did the widow woman give? What was her motivation to give? How much of a sacrifice was her gift?
- Why did Jesus value the widow's gift more? What does this tell us of Jesus' attitude toward money and possessions?
- Why is it important for us to practice money moderation in our lives? What problems could we encounter if we obsess over money and possessions?
- What will it look like for you specifically to say "enough" when it comes to money and possessions? What is at least one practical way you can do that this week?
- Sometimes we get so obsessed with wanting more and more things, whether money or material, that we forget it's a blessing to have what we do have. We let this obsession keep us from being content.
- We need to learn to say "no" to more things, because if we don't, our stuff can begin to control us.
- The lessons we learn with money help us become content. While culture and society tell us to chase more, we can instead rely on the fact that we have enough through God. Thank God that He is everything we need.
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